Animals Residing in Our Farm and Woods
- Voles
- Gophers
- California Ground Squirrels
- Grey Tree Squirrels
- Moles
- Cottontail Rabbits
- Chipmunks
- Dusky-footed Woodrat
- Long Tailed Weasel
- Mink
- Opossum
- Raccoon
- Deer
- Elk
- Coyote
- Gopher Snakes
- Rubber Boas
- Red-spotted Garter Snakes

A rare Northern Red-Legged Frog just chilling.

Gopher snake hiding out from the Red-tailed Hawks and waiting for its next meal.

Home of the endemic Dusky-footed Woodrat. Mounds may up to 6' high and last 60-70 years as new families move in.